Love Food Hate Waste Canada

Food waste happens because we buy too much, cook too much, or don’t store our food correctly.

Fortunately it’s an issue we can solve, with your help.

Join the movement

Love Food Hate Waste is a globally-recognised and proven behaviour-change campaign to help people reduce food waste at home.

It provides people with useful tips and tricks to ensure they are shop smarter, store food better and use up every last scrap of their food.

Plan it out
Use it up
Keep it fresh

Household waste: By the numbers

140 kg
6.9 million tonnes v.2

Amount of food that’s thrown away that could have been eaten.

Amount of edible food the average Canadian household wastes each year.

Amount the average household spends every year on food that’s wasted.

Amount of greenhouse gas emissions Canada’s households food waste produces each year.

How to get involved

As the official license holder of the Love Food Hate Waste Canada campaign FoodMesh can help you join the movement to reduce food waste at home. Here’s how:

Become a campaign

  • Get free access to 3 x ready-made campaign assets to share at your in-person events.
  • Receive an amplification package during focused campaign periods to spread the Love Food Hate Waste Canada message on your social media channels.

Become a campaign

  • Place the Love Food Hate Waste Canada logo and publically-accessible resources on your website.
  • Get credited as a supporter on the Love Food Hate Waste Canada website.

Become a campaign

  • Access entire library of past and current ready-made Love Food Hate Waste Canada campaign materials (which include posters, banners, digital ads, recipe cards, infographics, and brochures) for you to utilize for your own marketing campaign.
  • Get the right to co-brand, modify and create new Love Food Hate Waste Canada campaign materials.
  • Get the right to place the Love Food Hate Waste Canada logo on your website and use it on non-marketing materials.
  • Participate in Love Food Hate Waste Canada network knowledge sharing events.
  • Access to one-on-one guidance and support to assist you in developing and activating your marketing campaign.

Become a campaign

  • Everything you get as a campaign partner, plus:
  • Receive customised, branded assets to support the unique campaign moment.

Get involved

Collaboration is critical to drive real change. Let’s work together to stop food waste at home.