20 Jun Diverting food waste and guiding youth away from danger
In 2023 the Government of BC estimated that on average British Columbians threw away one out of every four bags of groceries that they bought. To do its part and divert the amount of perfectly good food ending up in landfills, each month, Dan’s Legacy collects around 15,000 kilos of food from a variety of sources.
In 2023 alone, Dan’s Legacy diverted nearly 190,000 kilos of food from landfills. This eliminates approximately 488,200 kilos of CO2 emissions and is the equivalent to roughly 300,000 meals.

Currently, Dan’s Legacy collects donated surplus food from six grocery stores and distributes the products to 11 community partners that operate food banks or soup kitchens in Metro Vancouver. Beyond these initiatives to divert food from landfills, Dan’s Legacy also takes a proactive approach to mitigating food waste by teaching their youth clients how to repurpose it. For example, in their Cook Training Program, youth learn basic cooking skills and how to utilize all of the ingredients, reducing the amount of food that goes to waste. Participants also learn small restaurant operations and the importance of inventory management to reduce leftovers and spoilage.
“The Cook Training Program is clinically supported by Dan’s Legacy’s counselling and wrap-around programs, ensuring the youth can maintain their employment and mental health stability.”
– Lee Crawford
Youth in the program are between the ages of 15 and 26, and the skills they learn prepare them for full-time employment. The program is clinically supported by Dan’s Legacy’s counselling and wrap-around programs, ensuring the youth can maintain their employment and mental health stability.

Currently, Dan’s Legacy offers three programs, each catering to different aspects of the food service and logistics industry, providing comprehensive training that equips participants with practical skills and work experience. Since 2021, 53 youth graduated from its training programs, leaving with more than just new job skills; they gained confidence, stability, and a sense of purpose.
“Everything that has been achieved in this space, and what is planned for the future, has been made possible through the support of Dan’s Legacy’s partners and the great folks at FoodMesh.”
– Lee Crawford
Looking ahead, Dan’s Legacy plans to increase food collection and distribution. The goal is to significantly boost the number of meals provided and further reduce food waste and CO2 emissions. Everything that has been achieved in this space, and what is planned for the future, has been made possible through the support of Dan’s Legacy’s partners and the great folks at FoodMesh.
For more information about Dan’s Legacy’s no-cost work skills training and counselling support programs, visit our website. If you or someone you know is seeking help, please visit Dan’s Legacy’s self-referral page.
Join the Metro Vancouver Food Recovery Network
Are you a retailer? Find out how we can help you maximize the impact of your unsold food.
If you are a charitable organization, learn about how you can get a supply of fresh food donations for your programming.