Attention charities and farmers: Please review the holiday schedule for the store(s) you pick up donations from. Details have been emailed to you.
Attention charities and farmers: Please review the holiday schedule for the store(s) you pick up donations from. Details have been emailed to you.

Food recovery program feeds community, keeps less than perfect produce out of garbage

For the last nine months, Buy-Low Foods in Vernon has been working with FoodMesh to donate the equivalent of more than 38,000 meals to hunger relief organizations in the community.

This store donates all of the perfectly edible food it can’t sell – food that previously would have ended up in the garbage – to organizations like the Salvation Army’s House of Hope, to ensure it’s being redistributed to people who need it in the North Okanagan.

Castnet reports.

Read the full story

Buy-Low Foods and the Salvation Army are just some of the organizations in the North Okanagan food recovery network working together to ensure food in the region doesn’t go to waste. Learn more and join the network.