14 Sep Get to know: Sid Brar
Posted at 21:39h
in Get to know the team

Meet Sid, FoodMesh’s Retail Food Recovery Program trainer. He spends his time visiting stores on the program, training staff on how to maximize the amount of edible food they donate to our charity partners.
No stranger to travel, Sid has lived all over the world, before he joined the FoodMesh team in 2020. Find out what values drive him, his top tip for using up food in his fridge, and why his dad is his biggest inspiration.
When you started working at FoodMesh
What you do at FoodMesh
Train store staff on how to separate edible and inedible shrink
The top three values that drive you
- Family
- Kindness
- Gratitude
Where you were born
New Westminister, BC
Where in the world have you lived, outside of Canada
England, India, Brazil and UAE. I went to London and set up an Instant Save supermarket, and then Intercontinental Foods. I operated them for about 15 years. Then I went to India and UAE setting up a wholesale export company and then to Brazil (and stayed as I loved the sun and water!).
Your top tip for reducing food waste
Buy less and use what you buy.
Your favourite thing about the job
Meeting store staff
Your favourite way to use up food in your fridge
Mix it all up, grill it and add rice!
If you could eat only one cuisine for the rest of your life, it would be…
Indian food, 100%

Who inspires you, and why
My dad. He came to this country not knowing any English and only had $10 in his pocket. He managed to build a good life, get married, have kids, and set up his future generations on the path to success through his hard work and dedication.
The most important lesson you’ve learned in your career to date
Never give up.
Three words to describe you
A good father.
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