Your one-stop shop for food waste diversion

Save money. Waste less. Feed more.

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Let us manage your unsellable food

Save money on your waste disposal fees

Increase your community impact

Reduce your carbon footprint

Do the right thing

This partnership meant that a store was not just donating to just one charity, but dozens of charities. A store could never manage that on its own

Tom Truchan, Georgia Main Food Group

Join these retailers in taking a stand against food waste

What we have helped our customers achieve since 2017

Radish icon

Food diverted
away from landfills (KG)

Meal icon

Equivalent number of
meals created

Leaf icon

CO2e emissions
reduced (KG)

Icon with map markers

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Metro Vancouver
Fraser Valley
North Okanagan
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Charitable organizations
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The Quirky Pear

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