
We help organizations waste less and feed more.

Our professional food recovery services help businesses divert the maximum volume of unsalable food away from waste streams and onto the plates of people who need it.

The problem

pepper icon

of all food produced in Canada
is never consumed

truck icon

of that waste occurs
along the supply chain

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of that waste
is avoidable

1 in 4
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people in Canada
are food insecure

There isn’t a food shortage problem. There is a connection problem.
And we’re here to help.

Our mission

Waste less icon

Waste less

Meal icon

Feed more

Dollar sign icon

Save money

The FoodMesh network

The FoodMesh network is made up of 2,500+ organizations from all elements of the food supply chain.
Our services connect organizations with surplus food to other organizations that can put it to good use, so together, we can waste less and feed more.

The FoodMesh network
Join the network

The impact of the FoodMesh network

Meal icon

Meals provided

Radish icon

Food rescued (KG)

Leaf icon

CO2e avoided (KG)

Money icon

Money saved ($)

Purple carrots
Pear icon

The Quirky Pear

The latest updates, news and events from FoodMesh.

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Contact us

Get in touch if you have any questions about FoodMesh and the ways we can work together to reduce food waste and feed more.

Get in touch