Attention charities and farmers: Please review the holiday schedule for the store(s) you pick up donations from. Details have been emailed to you.
Attention charities and farmers: Please review the holiday schedule for the store(s) you pick up donations from. Details have been emailed to you.

Metro Vancouver
Regional Food Recovery Network
Project Update (Year 3)

Metro Vancouver logo

Metro Vancouver is supporting FoodMesh to build a food recovery network of local businesses, charitable organizations and farmers.

Through FoodMesh’s programs and services, organizations in the network that have surplus food are quickly and efficiently matched to other organizations that can put the food to good use so that it doesn’t end up going to waste, feeding people first, then animals.

Dan's legacy and Pattison Food Group staff in front of boxes of donated food.
As well as serve meals to its guests, the Salvation Army provides lunch to local residents facing food insecurity - serving up to 400 meals in total every day
Cows eating rescued lettuce.

“I’m beyond proud of our store management teams for their diligence going department by department to ensure surplus healthy foods like fruit and vegetables are not being thrown out and wasted and that we can quickly and efficiently get these foods directly to people who need it. We have more than 220 charities who are distributing food to people in British Columbia thanks to this important part of our store’s food operations and our partnership with FoodMesh.”

– Gary Sorenson, President and Chief Operating Officer, Georgia Main Food Group

What the Metro Vancouver Regional Food Recovery Network has achieved to date

1 September 2021 – 31 August 2024

Note: This does not include food that is recovered in the region outside of FoodMesh’s programs and services


Network members


Food diverted (KG)


Meals created


CO2e avoided (KG)

Progress made against the project’s goals

“FoodMesh is our backbone. Without the donations we get through FoodMesh, we would not survive and be able to do what we’re doing for our community. I am so grateful.”

– Randel Erbacker, Community Program Coordinator, Salvation Army House of Hope

The network

“We go through 30 loaves of bread a day. If this bread wasn’t being donated, we’d have to buy it ourselves. If we had to purchase everything we use for meals, we wouldn’t be able to keep the facility going. It would really limit what we could do. This is a really important partnership to us. Our guests don’t have to be hungry because of partners like Fresh St. Market, whose donations let us do the work we have to do.”

– Rachel Martin, Volunteer Coordinator, Salvation Army Gateway of Hope

Salvation Army collects donations from Fresh St. Market Langley three times a week, consisting of quality fresh produce, dairy, meat and seafood, bakery items and even sushi

Highlighting some Metro Vancouver food recovery network members